Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Good Morning aspiring health and fitness Enthusiasts!

I hope the walk/jog wasn't too cold and you felt good! How was your breathing? Did you find a good rhythm to walk to? Let me know what worked for you!

I was thinking about how most people move their bodies when their walking. Sometimes I get self conscious if I move my arms too much or walking too fast. When I am taking brisk walks with my dogs, I really like to get my whole body in motion.

I've experienced that when I'm actively moving my arms and legs, twisting my core and keeping a good posture..I definitely can get a full body workout in just 30 minutes. Keep walking/jogging this week and then next week we can add just a little bit more intensity.

Today, I was thinking about how the food you eat is the BIGGEST part of being healthy and fit. I spent most of my exercising life just exercising and fluctuating my eating habits. I tried going cold turkey and eating just grilled chicken and salad. Turns out, that actually doesn't do much for my body when I incorporate exercising. It took me a couple months to figure out some of the ins and outs of food that helped my body change. I'm still experimenting and learning but definitely see progress. It was very slow progress for me because I LOVE eating and habits die hard.

I started with eating a healthy breakfast first because it was the only time I knew I could make a conscious health decision when starting to eat healthy. I was never a coffee/soda/tea drinker so it made it easy to not have to cut that out first. You definitely can start with eating a healthy breakfast and I recommend buying lots of eggs and liquid egg whites. (Yes, that sounds bad but it's actually great). I was wasting so many egg yolks just to get the egg whites but later learned the liquid egg whites were just fine! Today I'm having 2 whole eggs + 3 egg whites + 1/2 cup lean ground turkey + 1/2 cup chopped spinach scrambled! It's delicious, try it and let me know what you think!

Make breakfast your new healthy meal for the next 5 days and you'll start building new healthy habits!
Remember, you WANT this and you CAN have it!

Leave Comments/questions you may have and I can give you advice on what I know worked for me! 

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